יום ראשון, 21 ביוני 2015

The Highlight Difference: 10 Advantages of Hiring a Local Producer for International News Coverage & Documentaries

If every tour needs the perfect guide, then every journalist and documentary filmmaker working abroad needs an experienced local producer. Someone who knows the drill, the contacts, and all the in’s and out’s of coordination so that you can focus on what you do best—reporting. After years of leading news teams through the ever-changing region in Israel and the Palestinian territories, we have the lo-down on the benefits of producing with a local partner.

1)   Expedited research time: You can only depend on your native-language search engine tips and social media feeds for so long. The closer you wish to get to the story, the more entrenched you have to be. A local producer already has the contacts and the rapport to get the exclusive leads, interviews, and access you need upfront, and before the competition.
2)   Expert production coordination: When covering sacred sites, high security areas, or simply navigating an unfamiliar culture of business and bureaucracy, international news teams might get lost in the mix or just plain left out of the main action. It pays tremendously in time, money (and major stress relief) to have an experienced “fixer” organize location access, permits, and other more obscure clearances.

3)   The right equipment, customized to your needs: You might know what camera model you’ll need, what format you’re shooting in, and what compression to deliver to later on, but certain audio equipment must be licensed for compatibility (non-interference with military and security frequencies). Local production teams can cover any gaps in gear while laying a solid foundation for workflow later on.
4)   Peace of Mind on Shoot: This one is not to be underestimated. Someone who speaks the language and intimately understands the nature of the people and parties involved within a certain setting is going to be an indispensable asset to any foreign news crew. Knowing where to stand, how to interact, and when and where to shoot helps the crew stay secure, sharp and focused.

5)   Completing the package- Let’s face it, sometimes you can’t get all the B-Roll you need before the deadline. Have no fear—we’ve accumulated an extensive library of stock footage covering everything from aerial master shots to military activity. (See more at www.Israel-footage.com).
6)   When things go wrong – One of the frightening scenarios for a foreign news or documentary crew is finding themselves in the middle of a violent demonstration, riot or fire exchange. In these dangerous moments an experienced and knowledgeable fixer can save the day, get the foreign crew to safety, and focus on work rather than survival.
7)   Making interview subjects feel at ease: In many cases, the fixer can bridge the "culture gap" and connect between the visiting crew and local sources. Language is often a barrier, and even experienced English speakers feel more comfortable chatting in their mother tongue before a pressing interview. 

8)   You get a better deal: Experienced fixers know when the price is right. In high tension scenarios, when a crew has to change place, stay overnight in unknown areas, hire gear or other services, the fixer can get you the best accommodations, or at least fair ones.
9)   Smooth sailing through airports:  When coming in or leaving a country, it’s always best to have a local producer who can provide support on the ground. Sometimes the wrong answer in an immigration interview or security check can result in a long delay and further interrogation; in other cases footage may be confiscated or delayed for further inspection, and if it is not backed up in advance, it may be lost. An experienced local producer can foresee such potential hardships and plan ahead.
10) Follow-up support: Need an edit delivery ASAP? Leave it to the team at Highlight Films to provide top-of-the-line post production services in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, and Ramallah. Edit suites are available with or without an experienced staff editor, and they are fully equipped to accommodate a broad range of digitization and formatting requirements. Learn more here.

If you are interested in filming your production in Israel or the Palestinian territories with Highlight Films, please visit our website and don't hesitate to contact us! 

יום ראשון, 14 ביוני 2015

4K aerial footage of Israel is finally available online

In the last three months we filmed Israel from the air, for the first time in 4K. The results are quite amazing.... 
In a few days all clips will be available for licensing in our highlight-films.myshopify.com online store. Here is a first look at Masada in 4K...

For information about production services in Israel visit the Highlight Films website

יום שבת, 13 ביוני 2015